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We challenge the conventional way of the battery design and redesign a battery made from 85% biodegradable material. They are greener, more sustainable and independent of rare earth metals.

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Our Story

Magvolts Energy wants to make an impactful difference to combat/mitigate climate change by starting something small but persistent. The fact that burning fossil fuel and heavy carbon emission energy is the cause of sea water level rise along the coastline. It is estimated as much as “one foot” tall in the next decade or so. The goal of “zero emission” by 2030 should be “everyone” responsibility so that the future generation won’t be handed down and suffer with such a damaged/broken earth. 

"Big results require big ambitions"


City Lights

Our Mission

Only the Best

The goal of Magvolts Energy is to build products that can offload some strain on the electrical grid on a daily basis by providing enough energy for a typical household. In emergency situations, the energy being generated can be sufficient enough to be independent of the grid.

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